Alright! Alright! Its time to come clean with myself. I haven't run since Sunday's Glastonbury River Run 5K and have a REALLY good excuse. I mean, look at that face!! Can you deny that? Because I cant. His little smirk is practically screaming "you knowwww you wanna go play in trees and go get chinese food, then ice cream. C'mon Auntie. Seriously."
I mean, one might contend that chasing after this little bopper might actually cumulatively add up to being more than a solo run, so actually, Im AHEAD of the game! HA! I win!
No, in all seriousness I took Monday off because, well, its my day off and I was also recovering from the 5K on Sunday. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD IT WAS HOT! I mean, really hot. It is safe to say that no runner on that course was acclimatized to the heat yet... as evident by the grown men pathetically wheezing their way over to the finish line with outstretched arms, begging in whisper for a popsicle. The neighbors that lived on the course were awesome though, especially the one 99 year old woman who took it upon herself to recognize that, yes, it was indeed her civic responsibility to stand out there in a housecoat and hose down each and every one of us. Its people like that that totally motivate me to keep going. I mean, what person wakes up in the morning and is all like, "I have to be out by 1pm and hold a hose for 45 minutes straight. The people need me." I would never do that, nevermind when Im all osteoporotic! Ill be the one who is like, "Ohhhkayyy, who is the lucky great-great grandkid that's bathing my bones this fine day?" So Hilary, George, and I finished in a ridiculously respective time, considering a) the elements AND b) that it was Georgey Boy's first 5K! Big ups to Colli, who despite his terrible choice for shoes, un-sunscreened bald head and polyester shorts, FINISHED!!!
Anyway, so yeah when I actually do run, Ill check back in. This heat wave kind of threw me for a loop. Harumph!
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