Yesterday, marked my first official run that I considered to be towards training- logging in at a little over 4mi. It was a pretty good run, and on a familiar route in Glastonbury and with a familiar running partner-- THE Hilary Felton-Reid. Hilary is my best friend, standby running partner, and who I trained for the past two Half Marathons with. We know eachother's running styles more than the back of our hands and I have my best runs with her. Anwyay, it was a very hot day and we were literally inhaling pollen. I was hungover and ate terribly the day before and wore my old sneakers. All of these factors sucked and a lot of the run sucked, but I finished and the miles are logged. All I care about at this point! Everything else can be fixed and modified. For instance, maybe next time dont take shots with everyone who suggests a shot. Dont wear your old half marathon, trodden streets "for old times sake", and do not eat high fatty, high calorie food just because it will make a dent in your hangover.
Rookie mistakes.
Here is whats coming up this week. I think Im going to jump ahead a week and count mile 4 as Week 8. Ya know, because I can.
Monday: REST
Tuesday: 3mi
Wednesday: 5mi
Thursday: 3mi
Friday: REST
Saturday: 6mi
Sunday: CROSS
Fight thru the pain, sister! 129 days and counting!!
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